
Make a Statement Flags

Got an opinion?  Support a cause?  Make a statement with a Pro Pad flag proudly Made in the USA.  All of our statement flags for motorcycles have a 1/2" sleeve to fit our 3/8" flag mount poles. Most are available in both the 6"x9" and 10"x15" sizes.  Our 6"x9" flags are considered our highway flags and can be flown at speeds greater than 35 mph while the 10"x15" flags are parade flags are generally flown at speeds less than 35 mph.

These listings are for individual patriotic motorcycle flags only. If you're looking for a complete mounting system visit the Stainless Flag Mount section.

  • FLG-MNLB Molon Labe Come and Take flag 6x9 FLG-MNLB Molon Labe Come and Take flag 6x9 (BACK)

    Molon Labe "Come and Take" Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! Originating in 480 BC, the phrase “Molon Labe” was said to be the defiant response of King Leonidas I of Sparta to Xerxes I of Persia when Xerxes demanded that the Greeks lay down their...

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  • FLG-ALFR  America Let Freedom Reign flag 6x9 FLG-ALFR  America Let Freedom Reign flag 6x9 (BACK)

    America Let Freedom Reign Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! Choose from two sizes:  6"x9" or 10"x15" (sizes are approximate).  This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag mount.  If you're looking for a complete...

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  • FLG-3PERC 3 Percenters flag 6x9 FLG-3PERC 3 Percenters flag 6x9 (BACK)

    3 Percenters Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! This 3 Percenters flag is for patriotic citizens who love their country, their freedoms and their liberty.  They are opposed to corruption and injustice within the Government.  Those who...

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  • FLG-TYPTRMP  Thank You President Trump flag 6x9 FLG-TYPTRMP  Thank You President Trump flag 6x9 (BACK)

    Thank You President TRUMP Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride and patriotism with a "Thank you President Trump" motorcycle flag made in the USA! Choose from two sizes:  6"x9" or 10"x15" (sizes are approximate).  This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag...

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  • FLG-BONB  Bonnie Blue 6x9 Flag FLG-BONB  Bonnie Blue 6x9 Flag (BACK)

    Bonnie Blue Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! The good ole' Bonnie Blue.  An unofficial banner of the Confederate States of America at the start of the American Civil War in 1861, the Bonnie Blue flag now represents the Southeastern...

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  • FLG-GRNGUS  Gray & Black Grunge USA 6x9 flag FLG-GRNGUS  Gray & Black Grunge USA 6x9 flag (BACK)

    Grunge USA (gray & black) Motorcycle Flag

    In the 18th Century, the black flag was recognized as a symbol of piracy and signified that those flying it would "Give No Quarter."  In a battle, "No Quarter" means that no prisoners will be taken.  The gray & white, colorless grunge USA...

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  • FLG-FRDM  Freedom flag 6x9 FLG-FRDM  Freedom flag 6x9 (Back side)

    Freedom USA Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! Choose from two sizes:  6"x9" or 10"x15" (sizes are approximate).  This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag mount.  If you're looking for a complete...

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  • FLG-BLM  Blue Lodge Mason flag 6x9 FLG-BLM  Blue Lodge Mason flag 6x9 (BACK)

    Blue Lodge Mason Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! Choose from two sizes:  6"x9" or 10"x15" (sizes are approximate).  This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag mount. If you're looking for a complete mounting...

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  • FLG-TRMPMMY  Trump 2024 "Miss Me Yet?" flag 6x9 FLG-TRMPMMY  Trump 2024 "Miss Me Yet?" flag 6x9 (BACK)

    TRUMP 2024 Miss Met Yet? Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride and patriotism with a Trump 2024 "Miss Me Yet?" motorcycle flag made in the USA! Choose from two sizes:  6"x9" or 10"x15" (sizes are approximate).  This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag...

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  • FLG-SODAV Star of David flag 6x9 FLG-SODAV Star of David flag 6x9 (BACK)

    Star of David Motorcycle Flag

    Show your pride with a motorcycle flag made in the USA! Choose from two sizes:  6"x9" or 10"x15" (sizes are approximate).  This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag mount. If you're looking for a complete mounting...

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